Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Welcome to Fa La Law School

Chances are if you're here right now you are either a law student or have heard through the grapevine that I study my way through law school by coming up with (hopefully) catchy tunes to remember tricky legal concepts.  Either way, I hope you'll find something useful or entertaining.

I love to sing.  Join the club, I know.  I feel like everyone and their brother says that.  I've been writing songs for awhile and about halfway through my first semester in law school realized I could probably use song writing as a study tool.  I gave it a try and it has worked relatively well for me.  The first song I wrote was in preparation for a midterm in Tort Law, and although I didn't share it with any of my classmates at the time, due to insistence from my sister I figured I might as well pass it along since we are now in the midst of finals season.  Hopefully someone will benefit, but the jury is still out on that (no pun intended).  It might prove more entertaining (i.e. comical) than helpful, and that is fine by me.  I try not to take myself too seriously.  So don't feel bad for laughing at (or with) me.  Things can get pretty corny when you're singing about the "law."

Thanks for stopping by.